Stress Management Training (SMT) for Professionals in the Construction Industry
Helping construction management promote a healthy workplace culture
Research shows early detection of stress recognition in construction workers, contribute to improving workers' safety, health, wellbeing, and productivity. CLC Stress Management Training (SMT) pulls from evidence-based models to help individuals identify occupational stress and its effects of on health and on the job safety. Trainees will learn tools to build resilience and a lifetime of practices to manage stress in their professional and personal lives.
Custom Designed Curriculum
CLC programs are costumed designed to fit the need of every client. Each class incorporates a lesson in neuroscience, kinesthetic movement, and cognitive behavioral exercises. We provide individuals with tools to address taxing issues associated with the construction industry such as work overload (and underload), deadline pressures, role stressors, underutilization of abilities, communication trials and physical discomfort. Our curriculum walks trainees through our three-step structure – Science, Exercise for the Brain and Extension of Self (SEE) – where they learn better impulse control, increased communication skills, healthier habits, improved sleep, and less stress.
Mindfulness and Emotional Education for Children PreK-6th Grade.
The Elephant1s Gift is a delightful story that introduces various developmentally appropriate mindful awareness practices and social and emotional skills using a narrative about two children and their discovery of a young elephant. Amira Valle has written an engaging and thoughtful curriculum that kids will love. I highly recommend it!
Patricia Jennings Ph.D.
Univeristy of Virginia, Garrison Institute,
Author of “Mindfulness for Teachers”
Amira Valle has done the world a great service by writing this excellent and highly accessible children’s book on mindfulness and compassion, together with supplementary materials for parents and teachers. Research is showing that mindfulness and compassion training practices can yield a number of benefits in the areas of physical and psychological health, and contribute to social and emotional intelligence as well. Valle has drawn from this research and from established programs in teaching mindfulness and compassion to children to create this wonderful resource, which is the best introduction for young children I have seen. Parents and teachers will certainly welcome this book.
Dr. Brendan Ozawa-de Silva
Associate Professor of Psychology
Associate Director, Center for Compassion, Integrity and Secular Ethics
Life University
What an amazing book! I love it. Such a brilliant way to teach kids. I will be happy
to tell people all about it. Congratulations on a job well done!
Daniel Rechtschaffen
Author of “The Mindful Way to Education”
"The Elephant's Gift is true gift of parents and children everywhere who want to develop mindfulness, empathy and compassion as a family. While the science of mindfulness is currently en vogue, we should not forget that mindful awareness is best taught and learned using the oldest of human traditions - good storytelling." - Chris McKenna, Program Director, Mindful Schools
"This sweet story, joyfully introduces children to basic mindfulness practices for self-soothing, and compassionate action”.
Amy Saltzman M.D. author of A Still Quiet Place: A Mindfulness Program for Teaching Children and Adolescent to Ease Stress and Difficult Emotions.
An inspiration to parents, teachers and children by a loving mother, first a Chemist and a super Montessori Educator.
Beverly Alexander McGhee
Montessori Board Director?
American Montessori Society
Amira Valle’s The Elephant’s Gift: Mindfulness for Children is truly a gift to the world! Each chapter of this heartfelt children’s story includes a beautifully crafted mindfulness teaching followed by an accessible exercise which is the practical application educators, parents and caregivers need. I plan to share Amira’s book with my children when I become a parent!
Meena Srinivasan, SEL and Education leadership Author “Teach, Breathe, Learn: Mindfulness In and Out of the Classroom”
This lovely allegory weaves mindfulness strategy practice into the enjoyable tale of two adventuresome siblings, who use the mindfulness practices their Mother taught them to keep cool and calm while they solve problems in a thoughtful and caring way.
Appealing and useful to children and the adults who care for them!
Ann McKay Bryson CASEL District Consultant, Alaska.
Amira creatively constructs this children's story and seamlessly pairs mindful awareness exercises throughout! We follow Rumi, Maya, and Dani on their journey and check in with our own body, mind, and spirit along the way. Each chapter provides embodied lessons key to a child's self-development. This children's book is a great addition to any child's life and library.
Suzanne Klatt, PhD
Director, Mindfulness and Contemplative Inquiry Center, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, USA
The Dalai Lama has emphasized the need to create secular resources that can be used in any educational and cultural environment, to help educate not only the mind but your hearts of children. "The elephant gift, Mindfulness for Children", is the answer to that need. Through this book, which is a message of love, generosity and self-knowledge- Amira Valle traps the reader and finds a clear way to help children develop self-esteem, to be more calm, serene and happy and to live a meaningful life.
Marco Antonio Karam
Presidente y Fundador de Casa Tibet México
Ciudad de México, 2015.
Decía santa Teresa de Jesús, que una gracia era tenerla, otra saber que se tiene y otra más saberla comunicar. Amira lo logra con este bello cuento que introduce a quien lo lee —niño o adulto — a la comprensión de la empatía y a una auténtica vida contemplativa, no exenta de una respuesta compasiva y servicial hacia todo ser. El agradecimiento es también una de las enseñanzas que transmite. Y ya sabemos que quien siembra gratitud, recoge gratitud: ¡Gracias!.
St. Teresa of Jesus said : One grace is to have it, other knowing that you have it another and another to know how to communicate it. Amira does it with this beautiful story that introduces he reader-child or adult - to understanding empathy and a genuine contemplative life, not exwmpt of a compassionate response and helpful to all beings. Gratitude is also one of the lessons it conveys. And we know that he who sows gratitude, gathers gratitude. Thank you!
Ignacio Palos Soto, ocds.
Presidente del Consejo Provincial de la OCDS.
Provincia de San Alberto, México.
In this beautiful and didactic story, Amira Valle strengthens the hope of educating children for the peace, consciousness, freedom, and, most of all, compassion. This leads to building a healthy and happy worls . This is a thoughtful and tender story that teaches to train the mind, not only of children but of anyone who gets in contact with this noble and ancestral experience, Mindfulness. Reading this book will bring a smile to your face, a sense of confidence, optimism, advisable for all ages.
Maritza García Montañez
Instructora de REBAP
Directora de la Revista Intercontinental de Psicología y Educación y,
Coordinadora del Laboratorio de Neurociencias
Universidad Intercontinental, México
"The Elephant’s Gift, Mindfulness for Children" by Amira Valle, is a simple way to lead children in a subtle and creative war, the practice of mindfulness. It is a work that I recommend to teachers, parents and all those who are interested in encouraging awareness of one’s own experience in a fun way, in order to promote empathy, compassion and cognitive and emotional self-regulation. It is a loving way to guide the children to realize that helping other beings to find a full, happy, meaningful life and away from suffering also has benefits for themselves. I loved this book. It is a work full of sensitivity.
Dra. Gabina Villagrán Vázquez. Prof. Titular “B” T.C. Definitivo
Responsable del Programa de Ecología Humana
Fac. de Psicología, UNAM
We live day by day often without noticing what is happening in our environment or within ourselves.
"The Elephant’s Gift" is a wonderful story that takes us by the hand in order to be fully aware of ourselves, our emotions, the environment and get to help others. It implements the philosophy of Mindfulness. It is a book that invites us to develop feelings of compassion, generosity and empathy for others. And is not that what we want in the world?
Sandrine Hallak
Cofundadora del Centro de Estudios Multisensorial, Por la Vida. México D.F.
"The Elephant's Gift is a delightful story with a message of love, kindness and self-awareness. Amira Chavez has found a clear and engaging way to help children feel more secure about themselves, calmer, happier and live a mindful life."
- President of The Tibet House, Mexico