Stress Management Training (SMT) for Professionals in the Construction Industry
Helping construction management promote a healthy workplace culture
Research shows early detection of stress recognition in construction workers, contribute to improving workers' safety, health, wellbeing, and productivity. CLC Stress Management Training (SMT) pulls from evidence-based models to help individuals identify occupational stress and its effects of on health and on the job safety. Trainees will learn tools to build resilience and a lifetime of practices to manage stress in their professional and personal lives.
Custom Designed Curriculum
CLC programs are costumed designed to fit the need of every client. Each class incorporates a lesson in neuroscience, kinesthetic movement, and cognitive behavioral exercises. We provide individuals with tools to address taxing issues associated with the construction industry such as work overload (and underload), deadline pressures, role stressors, underutilization of abilities, communication trials and physical discomfort. Our curriculum walks trainees through our three-step structure – Science, Exercise for the Brain and Extension of Self (SEE) – where they learn better impulse control, increased communication skills, healthier habits, improved sleep, and less stress.
Special thanks to
for helping us to tell our stories.
Alyssa's Story

One of my best friends died from suicide and I didn't understand anything about it. I thought it was all my fault. We're humans, and we need to understand the reason we're feeling the way we do. We all have our issues. We just need to talk about it and know different skills and ways that can help.

Hezekiah's Story
I had a panic attack at school, and I didn't know what was happening. I started freaking out for no reason. It was really scary at the time. Now, I've learned what's going on in my body and what I can do to help myself in those moments.

Adrina's Story
Most people have heard of fight or flight, but people fail to mention the freeze response. Like when you are taking a test you studied for and all of the sudden you can't remember anything. You're being amygdala-hijacked. When you understand this and ground yourself with meditation then it will help your brain to remember the answer.

Ranjani's Story
I used to suffer a lot from stress and anxiety. It got to the point that I would get stress migraines. Now, I do mindfulness exercises every day, and it's really taught me to be in the moment and realize that schoolwork isn't everything.